In order to build your app will be asked to create 3 certificates:
Two main mandatory certificates
1. the Production Certificate (.p12)
2. the Provisioning Profile (distribution).
And one optional
3. Push Certificate
Please note that in order to be able to create these certificates you need to have an active Apple Developer Account and a Mac computer.
Let's see step by step how to create those.
Before creating any certificate, please make sure you have already created your App ID:
a) Log in your Apple Developer Account and go to
b) Please select "Explicit App ID" and make sure you take note of the Bundle ID you set here, because later it should be copied also in our dashboard.
c) Please flag "Push Notifications" under the App Services menu.
d) Click "continue" and you are done.
You should repeat this operation for each app you wish to build.
The Production Certificate (.p12 file) needs to be created only once and it will be used for all the apps you will publish on the Apple App Store.
Please remember that this certificate requires a password when you export it, which you will also need when uploading it to our Dashboard.
b) Select Apps Store and Ad Hoc .

c) At the end of the same page you fill find the "Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority", please click on it and it will be automatically imported into your Keychain.
d) You would need to create also your Certificate Signing Request (CSR) following the instructions described in the screenshot below:

d) Once you follow the instructions above, your Production Certificate will be created and ready to be downloaded and then imported on your Keychain, with double click.
e) Once imported in the Keychain, it should be exported in order to be uploaded on our dashboard. Please right click on the certificate in the Keychain and assign a password when saving it.
Final file format should be a .p12.

This certificate is needed if you wish your app to receive push notifications, it is not mandatory.
a) In the "App IDs" section, please click on your app and select the "edit" button:

b) Flag "Push Notifications" and select "Create Certificate" on "Production SSL Certificate"

c) Now you should import and then export it from your Keychain, just as you did with the Production Certificate.
You should repeat this operation for each app you wish to build.
The Mobile Provisioning must be created every time you want to publish a new app in the Apple App Store. You can find step-by-step instructions here:
1) On the section "Provisioning Profiles Distribution" choose the option "App Store".

2) Select your app on the list and click "Continue".
3) Select the Certificate that you want to upload on our dashboard and click "Continue".
4) Download the mobile provisioning and upload it to our dashboard.
The Provisioning Profile doens't need to be imported/exported in the Keychain. It just need to be uploaded directly in our Dashboard.
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